Almanac Online - Lasting Memories - Jean Lythcott's remembrances

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Jean Lythcott
Jan. 30, 1939-March 1, 2025
Palo Alto, California
From Beth Injasoulian
March 12, 2025

Jeannie's love of life and love of learning were like two prongs of electricity powering her love of science. She transformed my view of teaching in so many ways, but more than anything she was a colleague who opened things: minds, hearts, doors, nothing was impervious to her energy. It has been a joy to see her on occasion over the years and be dunked joyfully and profoundly back into the ocean of her laugh. I hope when I forget not to look for her at events that the gravitational pull will bring me to one of the many people who loved her and grew in the rays of her light.

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